Welcome to Stockbridge Church

We are a Church of Scotland congregation in the New Town of Edinburgh.


Mission Statement:


Being aware of the love of God in our lives, we, the congregation of Stockbridge Church, as part of the world church, seek to meet together in worship, to demonstrate faith in God in our everyday lives; to reach out to others, showing God's love and compassion; and to raise awareness of matters of justice locally and globally.

Look out for our Baby & Toddler group which runs every Monday as well as the Music Hub, a project run in collaboration with ourselves and funded by Amati.

Presbytery Plan

You may know that the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has been forced to make radical changes to the long-established parish system as the direct result of a shortage of Parish Ministers. The Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian is in the process of exploring the shape of these changes in Edinburgh, centering around the union of congregations to form one legal entity and one larger parish. These larger parishes may maintain multiple buildings where appropriate or may choose to close some buildings to save cost. The kirk session of Stockbridge church are in conversation with each of our neighbouring parishes to discern the best way forward for this congregation and neighbourhood. For any updates, please read the latest edition of the Bridge and keep an eye on the #CongregationalNews tag on any of our online articles.


These are challenging times for all of us in many different ways. For some, amongst other challenges, there will be financial difficulties and pressures. Our Church is also affected by this so please do continue to give as you are able . Please do consider giving electronically, or setting up a regular payment. You can make a donation to Stockbridge Church by following this link, which will take you to the main Church of Scotland website.  Thank you for supporting us to better serve you and this community.


To ask us any questions for more details email: admin@stockbridgechurch.org.uk or call our office on 0131 332 0122.  

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Upcoming Events at Stockbridge Parish Church