Regular Activities & Classes
Toddler and Baby Group
Facebook page
We are an informal drop-in group for under-twos and carers. We welcome child with parents, grandparents, carers, on Monday mornings from 10am-11:30am, to meet, chat, play, sing and snack. £2 per family, and proceeds after costs go to children’s charities.
Individual and group music sessions for autistic children and young people aged 6 - 20. In partnership with Hear My Music (
There are currently spaces available - contact Clea Friend on 07989 563358 or by email
Tai Chi
An informal and welcoming class led by an instructor with over four decades of experience. These mindful movements have many health benefits— both spiritual and physical. Beginners are especially welcome to come try this class!
Morning Yoga with Jo Keys
9:00am – 10:30am
Traditional yoga class with a Chartered Physiotherapist. Please contact Jo before attending a class.
Josephine M Keys Chartered Physiotherapist MCSP, HPC Reg. 0131 332 1182 email:
Medical parent and baby group
1pm to 3pm
Group for all local parents with babies 6 months or under. Health Visitors offer support with breast/infant feeding and all other aspects of baby and child care. Contact Health Visitors on 0131 260 9222.
Inspire Theatre Workshops
Weekly Workshops for 4 - 7s
3:40 - 4:45pm
At Inspire, we're passionate about child development. Whether you're looking for a fun, new way to help your child build confidence, increase their concentration or simply to make new friends and give them a creative outlet in a supportive environment, our lively, fun-filled drama, dance and singing workshops are an excellent way to do just that!
Weekly Workshops for 7-12s
4:55 - 6:15pm
Led by professionally trained actors, dancers and singers our 7-12s classes are a unique, stimulating combination of high-energy movement and dance games, singing exercises and acting improvisations. Dedicated to helping young minds and bodies grow our 7-12s classes are designed to build confidence, improve mental focus and motivation, both at home and in school, and develop vital life-skills, invaluable to their futures.
Girls Brigade
Girls Brigade is a Christian organisation and part of each meeting involves Bible story time and worship. We also do loads of games and crafts. We do lots of other things too like singing, baking, helping other people and learning about our world. We take part in events with other Girls’ Brigade companies in Edinburgh.
Fellowship Group
Our Fellowship Group meets online on Wednesday evenings from 7pm-8.15pm using ZOOM.
New members are very welcome to join this enquiring, friendly and fun group to explore and grow our faith together. If you are interested in joining or simply have a question, please get in touch via
Stockbridge and Inverleith Community Council
The 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm
SICC website
The Stockbridge and Inverleith Community Council (Edinburgh), exists to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the views of the Stockbridge and Inverleith Community to Local Government and Public Authorities. All members of the community are welcome to attend and participate.Stockbridge and Inverleith Community Council generally meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm at Stockbridge Church.
Stockbridge and Newtown Community Orchestra
Rehearsals are on Thursday at 7pm
SNCO website
Facebook page
Stockbridge and New Town Community Orchestra is a for-fun organisation of Edinburgh-area amateur musicians who like to get together Thursday nights for a bit of playing. They have been around since 1995 and hold two concerts every year - but meet mostly just to play. Musical focus varies from orchestral favourites like Sibelius's Finlandia and the March to the Scaffold from Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique to smaller works for soloists, such as Mozart's 4th horn concerto, immortalised in Flanders & Swann's affectionate pastiche Ill Wind.
Malawi Coffee Mornings
Coffee mornings in aid of projects that Stockbridge Church supports in Malawi take place on the first Friday of each month in the Young Room at the church. Everyone is welcome for coffee, cake and a chat!
Please e-mail for further info.
Sing and Sign
Sing and sign website
Facebook page
Each session includes roughly half an hour of signing and signing, and ample social time for tea or coffee while your baby plays and makes friends. Sing and Sign classes follow a 10 week curriculum covering all the signs you need to know for day to day life with your baby or toddler. There are 3 different age-appropriate stages available: 2-7 months old, 6-18 months old, and 14 months to 2 years and beyond.
Singing with Yvonne Burgess
An exciting and beautiful to sing, with wonderful
acoustics. Some days are devoted to singing
beautiful Taize chants, or African songs.
Culture Club
7pm - once monthly
For those of us missing the theatre, this group will watch recordings of productions of opera, theatre and musicals on a big screen.
Admission £10 adults £5 all concessions.
BYO (quiet!) refreshments/picnic.
For more info on the next screening and to reserve, visit
Sunday Service
We warmly welcome everyone to our regular services and hope you will stay for tea/coffee and a chat afterwards.
Communion is held during the service on the last Sunday of each month.
Cello Choir
Ensemble for cello players of all ages and abilities. Music will be arranged to cater to the participants levels.
Contact Clea Friend on 07989 563358 or by email for more information