02/07/2024 0 Comments
Sunday Lunch…
Sunday Lunch…
# News: Number 7

Sunday Lunch…
Every Sunday Stockbridge is host to something very very popular, well other than our church services obviously, and that is the Stockbridge market.
It is a riot of smells and tastes to delight every preference. From bacon rolls to gyoza, paella to pork pies. The place is full of people enjoying a bit of street food with their friends and family. This got me thinking. Given that Number 7 exists to be a part of the community, to get stuck in and contribute to the wealth of people that live, work and visit our villagewithin-a-city, we should make the most of this wonderful market…and of Number 7.
The plan is to get a group of us together, reasonably informally but with someone in charge of opening up Number 7 each week, go and grab some food and eat together in Number 7. This will be a great time spent together after church simply enjoying each others’ company. Plus, I’m sure those that pass by on the street wouldn’t say no to a cup of coffee/a comfortable place to eat their lunch (After all, not every day is going to be sunny).
Let me know if you’d like to be involved (no seriously, it’ll only happen if people express their interest).
See you soon!