Girls Brigade

The 11th Edinburgh and Lothians Company meets on Tuesday evenings in the church halls from September until May during term time. This session we begin on Tuesday 26th September with a craft and activity evening. Explorers (P1 to P3) and Juniors (P4 to P7) meet from 6.30 pm to 7 pm. Brigaders (S1 and older) meet from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. 

It's an ideal opportunity to come along and see if GB is the organisation for you!  Come along, and bring your friends to help us grow GB in Scotland.

From 30th September our meeting times are as follows:

    • Explorers (P1-P3) at 6.30-7.30pm
    • Juniors (P4-P7) at 6.30-8pm
    • Brigaders (Secondary School) 7.30-9pm

Girls' Brigade is a Christian organisation and part of each meeting involves Bible story time and worship. We also do loads of games and crafts. We do lots of other things too like singing, baking, helping other people and learning about our world. We take part in events with other Girls’ Brigade companies in Edinburgh.

Please contact Captain Judith Walker for more information​​​